Health and Lifestyle

Organic Vs Conventional Spices: Whats The Difference? Expert Shares Benefits Of Natural Spices

Organic Vs Conventional Spices: Whats The Difference? Expert Shares Benefits Of Natural Spices


Spices have been an integral part of cuisines since time immemorial. It is used invariably to enhance the taste of the dish. Considered to be the powerhouse of aroma and flavour, it is the vital ingredient required to add to the palatability of the food. However, with people becoming increasingly health and environmentally conscious in recent years, they have been contemplating whether to choose between organic and conventional spices. 

With the growing concern about environmental impact and potential health risks, choosing between organic and conventional spices has become a hot topic among consumers. To add fuel to the fire, an April 5 report published on the official website of Hong Kong’s food regulatory authority, mentioned that three spice products in India have cancer-causing chemicals that contain a pesticide known as ethylene oxide. 

Understanding the dilemma of the consumers, in the article Mr. Akash Agrawal, Co-Founder of Zoff Foods explains the differences between organic and conventional spices to make informed decisions at the time of purchase. Here are some of the pointers which discuss the benefits and differences between the cultivation of organic spices and conventional spices:

1. Cultivation method 

The cultivation of organic spices refrains from the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In the process, organic farmers make sure to employ natural methods to foster a healthy ecosystem for both the plant and the ecosystem at the same time. They practice crop rotation, and companion planting, and introduce beneficial insects for pest control aimed at optimizing the output of the cultivation. 

Contrary to this, cultivation of conventional spices makes use of synthetic chemicals to maximize the yield and check the damage to the crops caused by pests. But in the long run, it can severely deteriorate the environment and at the same time give rise to various health issues in the consumers. 

2. Unique taste and aroma 

Generally, organic spices lack the appearance and appeal compared to conventional spices. Here it is important to note that conventional spices are laden with artificial coloring and preservatives to make them look appetizing and rich in flavour and aroma to elevate the taste of the food. On the other hand, considering that organic spices are devoid of chemical treatments, they retain the natural essence and consequently impart a complex and nuanced flavour to the dish. 

3. Promote sustainable farming 

Organic farming epitomizes sustainability. It prioritizes soil fertility and to achieve this purpose, it nurtures beneficial microbial communities, promoting organic matter. This goes a long way in improving the health of the soil contributing to exercising water retention, and ultimately, reducing the wastage of water and other resources, likewise. Drawing attention to conventional farming is a major guzzler of synthetic fertilizers, which can have severe repercussions on the fertility of soil. 

Damaging the soil ecosystem is also responsible for water pollution in the form of runoff into large water bodies. Therefore, by opting for organic spices instead of conventional spices, consumers can contribute their part in vouching for a better environment.  


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