World News

Uniper's dormant Russian gas contracts may pose hurdle to listing | Reuters News Agency

Uniper's dormant Russian gas contracts may pose hurdle to listing | Reuters News Agency



Reuters exclusively reported that legacy gas contracts with former main supplier Gazprom could become a key hurdle for utility Uniper in its attempts to return to the stock exchange following its 13.5 billion euro bail-out by the German government during the height of Europe’s energy crisis.

Market Impact

The expected re-IPO of Uniper could become one of Germany’s biggest listings in 2025 and would mark a major milestone for Berlin following Uniper’s nationalization in 2022, making it a key strategic issue for utility investors. 

Article Tags

Topics of Interest: Energy

Type: Reuters Best

Sectors: Commodities & Energy

Regions: Europe

Countries: Germany

Win Types: Exclusivity

Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop

Media Types: Text

Customer Impact: Significant National Story


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