Struggling To Limit Alcohol? Follow These Expert Tips To Regain Control – News18


Mindful drinking offers a way to enjoy alcohol without overindulging. (Image: Shutterstock)

Mindful drinking offers a way to enjoy alcohol without overindulging. (Image: Shutterstock)

Alcoholism can lead to dreadful things and everything is better done in moderation, read on to know more-

Are you starting to worry about your alcohol intake? Perhaps your weekend gatherings with friends have become a regular habit. This could be a sign that it’s time to take control. Excessive alcohol consumption can result in numerous serious health problems. Health professionals have been warning us about the harmful effects of overindulgence in alcohol for quite some time.

Previously, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a stark warning, stating that no amount of alcohol is safe for consumption. The UN health agency emphasised that alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive substance with addictive properties and is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen.

Despite the warnings, many individuals still choose to consume alcohol occasionally. However, there are strategies to address this issue. Mindful drinking offers a way to enjoy alcohol without overindulging.

In a video, Dr Pal Manickam, a gastroenterologist and health educator, outlines how people can practice mindful drinking. The video advises limiting or abstaining from alcohol for health reasons. For those who drink occasionally, it suggests planning ahead and restricting oneself to a small number of drinks.

Try these expert-approved tips to keep alcohol consumption under control:

  • Set a limit“Before starting to drink or enter a bar please decide on the number of drinks well in advance. Your alcohol amount should be as low as the amount of time Rajinikanth was shown in the Kaavaalaa song (from the film Jailer),” said Dr Pal Manickam in the video. Setting a limit on how many drinks you will consume in advance can help you avoid drinking too much.
  • Keep Eating During/In Between SipsDr C H Asrani, a senior Family Physician earlier said in an Instagram video, “When you’re drinking keep eating between your sips. Not small bites but mouthfuls of food and before you go to a party, decide the minute you feel that you’ve eaten enough, is also the time that you have taken enough alcohol.” Drinking on an empty stomach may lead alcohol to enter the bloodstream faster.

  • Learn To Say NoHaving a friend who constantly pressures others to drink more can be challenging. Avoid them and learn to say no. “If your friends force you to drink, sincerely say no and drink on your own terms,” said Dr Pal Manickam.
  • Inform Your Friends And FamilyCommunicating with pals and telling them you’re planning to cut off might help. They can help support you in this journey by not forcing you to drink.
  • Slow Intake of AlcoholSlowing down drinking can be beneficial. Keep a drink for as long as you can as fast drinking can lead to more alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid Drinking GamesAlcohol consumed during fun party games can lead to overdrinking. Avoid them, experts recommend.

Try these steps during your next weekend outing with friends.


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