


Table of Contents


Have you all heard the saying ‘what you think, you become!’.

Well, supposedly it is the universal truth!

For example, if you tell a child he/ she can’t do well in studies, due to repeated failure or lower grades, then the child tends to believe it to be true.

From then on, the results would further deteriorate. Is this what we are aiming at? Are we trying to tell people what they aren’t good at, or are we trying to point out their flaws to rectify or show progress?


Positivity‘ is the need of the hour. So, should we begin by elucidating the more nuanced meaning of the term “positive attitude”?   It takes a while for us to understand this phenomenal magic.

The dictionary would define it as ‘ being optimistic inwards and outwards. True that it is! To make the understanding clearer let us further expand its meaning.



There is eternal bliss that lies within each soul. To ponder deep into that blissful phase what we require is Introspection or looking within. Yes, Introspection is what I would like to begin with.

Understanding oneself is the most essential ingredient required for the dish ‘purposeful living’! When we understand ourselves, we understand our surroundings better.

The more we know about the people and places around us, the simpler it is to disseminate a sense of well-being.


Have you wondered why we feel bliss in tranquil places? Be it silent roads or places of worship. In these places, our mind gets fueled with positive thoughts and therefore the entire body is titled to a feeling of goodness.

Our surroundings will be impacted greatly if something occurs to us! The extent of positivity within us is spread around us too.

For this reason, our elders encourage us to populate our immediate environment with decent individuals, by which they mean those who maintain optimistic worldviews.


Teach a differently-abled person to do something that others think he cannot and motivate his efforts, you will be surprised at the progress that he executes.

So where does positivity lie? Is it in his mindset, his hard work, or his ability to do what people defy he cannot?


POSITIVITY: The words of encouragement that makes a person believe in oneself are the best possible gift one can offer to mankind. Once you start to believe in yourself, ‘ I can’, becomes the most powerful word.

The world is full of pride and prejudice, where humiliation has become a part and parcel of living. Manners have been thrown to the dogs, and moral and cultural values have lost their glory.


We live in the darkest regions where fame n money is what is much sought after. The human mind is in despair, not knowing its purpose in living.

Read more: Mental Health

Whom do we turn to, The Creator (The God), the Protector (our conscience), or the destroyer (the desires of the heart)?

Great sages and saints have followed the spiritual path that has led them into a different phase of living.


This path can be attained only by those who have conquered all their desires and believe in “Karma”. They have become saints because of their ‘Positive’ habits of penance and knowledge, which they impart to others around them.

Mere words do not do the magic, it is more practice that does it. To be a positive person one need not be a Saint.

Have a broader aspect of life, understand the concept of Introspection, do good, feel at ease within, love thyself, love nature, be selfless, be harmless and praise the almighty for all the goodness bestowed upon mankind.


This will make you a better human being. This will let people be attracted to you. This will create positivity in and around.

Positive comments are more important than comparing yourself to others. That happiness can only be achieved by oneself, not stolen or given, should never be forgotten.

When you think positively, you take positive action, and as a result, you become a more positive person.

A lovely pleasant atmosphere may be created as a result of a positive aura around you.  you are the sum of your thoughts. ‘Be the definition of change and not an explanation for life’. When we begin to care, we have a life worth living.

This leads to unselfish love, which has the greatest impact on the people and situations around you. So don’t give up hope, for there will always be a day after night, spring after winter, and joy after grief.

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