Meghan Markle handed the ultimate betrayal from family once more


Meghan Markle handed the ultimate betrayal from family once more
Meghan Markle handed the ultimate betrayal from family once more

Meghan Markle has just found herself being another bit of ridicule by her half-brother and experts believe it to be the most ultimate form of betrayal that ever could be.

Royal commentator Jennie Bond issued these thoughts while speaking to the Daily Mail.

She began everything by saying, “To have your own flesh and blood lead the assault must feel like the ultimate betrayal for Meghan.”

She even went as far as to brand the entire thing utterly “grotesque” as well.

For those unversed with the video, Thomas Markle Jr handed the Duchess a clapback via YouTube and it included a 87 minute video where he could be seen visibly mimicking his half-sister, complete with a wig, a tiara and even a fake pregnant belly.

“My name’s Me-again Swamp-donkey Crotch,” it began by saying.

“I was just showing off the new bump I bought used on eBay out of Montecito.”

He also said, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch, right? I’m gonna be riding those coattails, baby. Oh, yeah, if it wasn’t for Meghan Markle I don’t know what I’d be doing.”


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