Golfers in Florida were busy having a good time while playing golf on a course in Naples when they witnessed a very bizarre scene.
A player Casey Yabrough saw a giant alligator with a turtle in its mouth locked inside the reptile’s jaws, after hearing a loud sound.
“We heard a loud sound like a gun went off,” Yarbrough told FOX 35 Monday.
The report also stated that the 14-foot-long alligator caught the turtle which according to the onlooker was about 50 pounds.
Yarbrough told the media organisation that the rattling he heard was the sound of the alligators’ jaws cracking through the turtle’s shell. He was baffled after seeing this.
“I’ve been playing golf for almost 50 years and have never seen anything like this before,” he said.
The scene may be bizarre for some but Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) regarded it very ordinary as turtles are common prey for large reptiles to feed on.
“Adult alligators are known for being opportunistic feeders,” FWC’s website notes, as it feed on small mammals, birds, and fish.
It even eats small alligators as a recent event in Florida was reported in which a woman saw a large alligator eating the smaller one.
“Alligators less than 4 feet in length are not large enough to be dangerous to people or pets unless handled,” read the FWC’s website.
“You should never handle an alligator, even a small one because alligator bites can result in serious infection and it’s illegal,” it added.
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