Health and Lifestyle

How to stay cool, healthy in extreme hot weather? – SUCH TV

How to stay cool, healthy in extreme hot weather? – SUCH TV


The body’s ability to regulate its temperature diminishes, leading to various heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and high temperatures due to the scorching weather.

– Everyone’s at Risk –

Both young and old are equally susceptible to heat-related illnesses. However, heat can turn fatal if appropriate precautions aren’t taken.

– Hydrate –

Drinking plenty of water helps replenish lost fluids and salts due to sweating. Always keep a water bottle handy.

– Avoid Fatty Foods –

Steer clear of high-fat and calorie-rich diets in the summer, as they can elevate metabolic heat production, warming up your body.

– Cut Back on Makeup –

Minimal use of cosmetics is recommended to keep your skin clean and healthy. Store creams and makeup products, like lipstick, in the fridge to prevent spoilage. Always apply a good SPF sunscreen, even indoors.

– Ditch Sugary Drinks and Tea –

Limit intake of sugary beverages, including cold drinks, tea, coffee, and energy drinks. Instead, opt for fresh lemon water or coconut water to cool your body.

– Avoid Sun Exposure –

Stay indoors between the hottest hours (12 PM – 4 PM) to minimize direct exposure to scorching sunlight. Avoid strenuous activities like outdoor games and workouts during this period.

– Keep Ventilated –

Maintain good airflow in living spaces by using fans and coolers if air conditioning is unavailable. Place a bowl filled with ice in front of a fan to instantly cool the room.

– Opt for Cotton Clothing –

Wear loose, breathable, light-coloured clothes made from natural fibres like cotton to allow air circulation. Tight clothes trap heat.

– DIY Cold Spray –

Combat excessive body heat by placing a damp cloth on your wrists and neck or using a cool sponge. Always carry a bottle of cold water spray or face mist and spritz it on pressure points to lower body temperature.

– Cool Foot Soak –

Submerge your feet in cold water for a few minutes every day to lower your body temperature. It’s one of the best ways to beat the summer heat.

– Harness Power of Essential Oils –

Peppermint oils contain menthol, known for its cooling properties.


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