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Donald Trump or Joe Biden: Who is more successful as president?

Donald Trump or Joe Biden: Who is more successful as president?


Find out who’s more successful, Joe Biden (R) or Donald Trump. — Reuters

When former US president Donald Trump was losing his position to his political rival Joe Biden, the Republican instigated his supporters to storm Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

At that time, a poll from CNN revealed that the majority of Americans regarded Trump’s presidency as a failure, however, this time the results were otherwise.

The latest poll by CNN/SSRS, quoted by Newsweek Sunday showed that most US citizens consider Trump’s presidency a success while regarding Biden’s a failure.

Among those surveyed, 55% of people suggested that the 77-year-old Trump had a successful term in the Oval Office whereas 61% considered otherwise about Joe Biden.

Biden and Trump are the nominees of the Democrat and Republican Parties respectively.

The indictment-stricken former president is half a dozen points ahead with 49% compared to the incumbent commander-in-chief who stands at 43%.

The President is supported by only 40% of voters under 35, while the owner of Trump Media is backed by 51%.

According to the report, the survey was carried out from April 18 to 23 and included a random sample of 1,212 adults drawn from a probability-based panel.

The margin of error was estimated as plus or minus 3.4 points.


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