Diabetes stands as a persistent health crisis on a global scale, and its prevalence is particularly notable in India, where it is swiftly establishing itself as a diabetes epicenter. The phrase “sleep your way to better health” serves as a rallying cry for people dealing with this chronic illness, highlighting the significance of obtaining enough sleep—typically 8 to 10 hours for adults. Getting enough sleep is essential for both managing and preventing diabetes.
Dr Apoorva Garg, Associate Director – Care (Operations), BeatO shares how sleep can be a key player in preventing and managing diabetes in individuals and further empahsizes, “Sleep is ultimately necessary for maintaining normal blood sugar levels and is a crucial aspect of a healthy life. Not only does adequate sleep help lower blood sugar, but it’s also essential for improved insulin sensitivity, hormone balance, stress reduction, metabolism, and weight control. To live a healthy lifestyle, one must maintain a healthy sleep pattern.”
5 Ways Quality Sleep Can Help Improve Blood Sugar Levels
Here are five proven ways shared by Dr Apoorva that getting enough sleep might help with diabetes management:
Manages Hormones: Sleeping adequately aids in controlling the blood’s hormone synthesis. The advantages include a well good cortisol levels, healthy growth hormone and insulin synthesis. These hormones are unbalanced if your sleep is disturbed leading to high bloos sugar levels.
Improves Insulin Sensitivity: Good sleep plays a major role in keeping your blood sugar levels stable. Research and studies have shown that a good night’s sleep not only boosts insulin sensitivity, it also improves the body’s ability to aborb blood glucose into cells.
Reduces Stress: Disturbances in sleep habits can lead to raised blood sugar levels due to high cortisol levels. Therefore, maintaining a consistent and healthy sleep pattern is essential for reducing cortisol levels.
Boosts Metabolism: Our quality of sleep directly impacts the body’s metabolism, affecting its ability to store and utilize glucose effectively. Irregular sleep routines can impair metabolism and hinder glucose tolerance. Prioritizing sleep can optimize metabolic function and regulate blood sugar levels.
Aids in Weight Management: Sleep and dietary habits are closely entangled. Inconsistent sleep patterns can disrupt hunger-regulating hormones, leading to weight gain and insulin resistance. By promoting stable blood sugar levels and supporting healthy eating habits, adequate sleep plays a vital role in weight management.
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